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in Mining

The modern mining industry is a high-tech sector, designing and implementing the best available technologies. Continuous improvement is central to MABC members’ operations. This includes embracing and implementing innovation and new technology to ensure our operations conserve more, waste less, increase safety and productivity, and optimize the responsible production of British Columbia’s resources.

Clean Tech in BC Mining

British Columbians can be proud that many of our innovative mining methods and technologies have been emulated around the world. Ideas that were once thought of as being futuristic aspirations have become the technologies of today or the near future in BC mines, including incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, 3D technologies, robotics, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things and 5G and more.

We believe there is a great opportunity for BC’s mining sector and emerging tech and cleantech sectors to work collaboratively to enhance all our respective industries and promote growth.

Mining Innovation Roadmap

The BC Mining Innovation Roadmap serves as a guide to establishing BC as a globally competitive mining region with a thriving culture of innovation and collaboration, a regulatory regime that supports innovation, high environmental and safety standards, and a workforce prepared for the future. This vision is underpinned by trusted relationships and shared values with the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, and all mining industry stakeholders.

The BC Mining Innovation Roadmap features clear guideposts: goals, desired outcomes, actions and evaluation metrics. It also provides a path for implementation and a method for tracking progress. The Innovation Roadmap’s four goal areas are:

  • Fostering an innovative and collaborative culture
  • Improving regulation to support innovation
  • Leveraging BC’s ESG advantage
  • Building the workforce for the future mine

Mining Innovation Challenge

In 2021 and 2022, MABC operated its first ever Mining Innovation Challenge with Foresight Canada, sponsors and partners. The challenge sought solutions to reduce water use intensity at operating BC mines, with the winner receiving a $150,000 prize and a potential opportunity to pilot the technology if there is an appropriate fit with a mine.

Langley-based Sepro Mixing and Pumping won the challenge for their innovative large scale, linear fluid-driven peristaltic pump. It has the potential to significantly increase the capacity of peristaltic pumps, which would limit water waste for slurry liquefaction and enable tailings to be delivered to a storage facility with much higher density than currently possible. It will also allow water to be reclaimed for use at the concentrator.

The Challenge attracted submissions from more than 25 tech, cleantech and mining supply companies from across Canada and around the world.